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Paul studied painting at the West Surrey College of Art and Design in Farnham, Surrey in the 1970s and has exhibited his work widely.
Paul studied the traditional art of painting and drawing with a great emphasis on drawing from nature.

Paul says, “I like to work on a painting until it suddenly feels as though it has come to life. I know when this state is achieved because of the sense of calm that I feel. It feels like an absence of noise, it’s hard to describe. Someone once commented that my paintings had a kind of sombre Scandinavian feel, a ‘Nordic Light’ and this really struck me as perceptive as I am half Swedish, so perhaps it is in my blood.”
Paul works in most media, although currently he has leaned towards acrylic colour, which when dry gives an almost ‘flat’ finish - suiting his apparently simple
compositions, the light and subject matter which are often land and seascapes with distant horizons or beautifully rendered still-life subjects. There is a ‘zen-like’ quality to Paul’s work of space and infinite calm.

Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson
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